I ordered some all natural Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner last night from an online and I can’t wait to give it a go. I was waiting till I ran out of my normal duo, but I decided to just go for it. [Read more…]
Aloe and Shampoo: A good mix?
When you walk through the store, you see a lot of products advertising that they use aloe, especially shampoo. Most of us just kind of assume that “Hey, if it’s got Aloe, it’s gotta be good, right?” whether or not we have any idea what aloe is in the first place, or what it can do for our hair. So, the question is: what exactly does Aloe do for our hair? If it’s so great, then what makes it so great in the first place? [Read more…]
What Can Aloe Do for Your Dandruff?
Everyone has seen those white, flaky scales of dead skin that end up on people’s shoulders at the most inopportune times. They are especially apparent when someone wears dark clothing. [Read more…]
Aloe Treatment for Hair Loss and Re-Growth
Many factors can contribute to hair loss. Illness, stress, medication, skin conditions and age are just a few. No matter what the cause, people suffering hair loss want a quick, reliable way to re-grow their hair. Unfortunately there isn’t a single cure-all, and because hair takes time to grow, patience is required no matter what treatment you use. The number of products claiming to re-grow hair may well surpass the causes of loss. Surgical, herbal and chemical remedies all make similar assertions about producing a thick, full head of hair. Some involve drastic measures or require great financial investment, yet a simple, inexpensive solution is available at the local store and may even be in your own backyard. That solution is using aloe vera for hair loss needs.
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The Real All Natural Way to Dread Your Locks.
Dreadlocks have probably been around since before recorded history, and archeological evidence exists that indicates they were definitely in style in many cultures during the earliest days on record. Modern dreadlocks take many forms, and as they’re drastically increasing in global popularity, so do the methods people use to create their dread styles. Twisting hair with Aloe gel is one way to create healthy, easy to care for dreads. [Read more…]