Itch. Must…scratch….itch. Try as you might to resist the urge to scratch at your skin, wherever that bothersome itch might strike, more often than not you give in. And what’s more is that you know it’s bad for you, but you do it anyway! Scratching your skin may leave you with scars or even open up your skin. Therefore, what you want to do is control the itch in a less destructive–and preferably natural–way, am I right? Especially when it comes to an itchy scalp, aloe gel, a thick, gelatinous substance found inside the succulent aloe vera plant, can soothe the itchy area with its cooling properties, making you less likely to scratch and giving whatever underlying problem is causing the itch time to heal.
Grease Be Gone! Combine Lemon & Aloe Vera for Your Oily Scalp
Ugh. There it is again. That greasy hair. Even a ponytail can’t hide the oily mess! What’s a person to do? Well, no more pity-parties and definitely no more half-assed hair solutions –there will be no accepting defeat here! Greasy hair will not win! Calling all fellow greasy-hair sufferers: if you no longer know what to do with your greasy hair, here is something I bet you haven’t tried yet. Mix up an aloe vera juice and lemon rinse for your hair! The natural astringency of this mixture will help dry up your oily scalp, leaving you with less grease and many more good hair days!
Encourage Hair Growth: Clean Out Your Hair Pores with Aloe
Pores, pores, and more pores! Your skin is covered in them! Wherever there is a hair, there is a pore. That means you could have 5 million pores covering your body! Holy smokes! Pores, small holes in your epidermis (a fancy word for skin) that allow it to breathe, secrete substances like sweat and serve a variety of other functions, do the wonderful job of keeping your skin healthy–if they aren’t clogged, that is. Without them, or if they are clogged and therefore not functioning as they should, you could suffer from a great deal of skin and scalp problems, from dry hands to balding. Lucky for you, you can try aloe for hair loss. Aloe can help bring all the dirt that doesn’t belong on your scalp (which then gets into your pores) to the surface, allowing trapped the hair on the top of your head to grow again! Once aloe releases all the dirt and grime smothering your scalp’s pores, which can keep new hairs from rising to the surface, nothing will be weighing down your hair anymore. Freedom!
Balancing Hair pH Levels: Aloe’s Role in Hair Re-Growth
When someone mentions pH levels, I think swimming pools, the way you have to test the amount of chemicals in the water to make sure it is suitable for swimming and pool games. When I was a kid, I remember matching up the color stripes at the beginning of every summer to see if the pool pH was finally balanced so I could get my feet wet! Because pH is a term I so quickly associate with chlorinated water, it never crossed my mind to think of other places where maintaining a proper pH level might be important. Who would have thought my hair could have an off pH level? But when it comes to your hair, pH level is as important; it ensures a healthy scalp, prevents infections, promotes hair growth, and does many other nifty things to keep your hair looking full and great. Ready to learn about how aloe– that succulent plant with the gel-like interior? Yup, that’s the one!–can rebalance your hair pH levels? It is time to get your feet wet when it comes to aloe for hair loss!
Repair that Hair! Aloe Vera Products for Hair Loss
Aloe vera comes in many shapes and sizes: from the long-leaved plant itself to the pre-packaged as well as homemade aloe creams, juices and shampoos. Just look at all those textures! So when you are looking for an aloe product that will tap into all the hair repairing goodness aloe vera is known for, where do you begin? Because aloe’s ability to prevent hair loss and promote hair re-growth is attributed to its scalp-soothing properties, it seems like you would go right to the hair products. Bring on the aloe shampoo and conditioner! But is that true? Are they the best choices to bring your hair back?
Spoiler alert: While aloe shampoos and such will help, you also have other, slightly less conventional aloe options for growing back that hair! Did I peek your interest?
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