Hello Aloe lovers! I found some intriguing news today online about…wait for it…aloe! A healthcare company called Imuniti Holdings, located in South Africa, issued a very interesting statement to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange news service. It seems that they held some sort of clinical trial, done by Prof Luc Montangier, on the effects on their Imuniti Pack on HIV positive patients. The results were good.The article I read from BusinessDay seemed to think that it was unusual the way that Imuniti went about releasing information on the Imuniti Pack, since “[t]he industry typically publishes research in peer-reviewed scientific journals before releasing such news to the market.” I wonder if this means that something huge is around the corner in the medical research field…
What is the Imuniti Pack’s Connection with Aloe and AIDS?
For starters, a previous pack, the Imuniti Nutritional Supplement Combo Pack, contained “protein-enriched porridge, water purification drops, and extracts from several plants, including sutherlandia, spirulina, Chinese green tea, African potato, rooibos, and Aloe Vera.” The ingredients of the Imuniti Pack they used for this trial could be the same. These details have not been fully released.
What we do know is that there was a substantial reduction in the viral DNA by patients taking a combination of AIDS drugs and the natural supplements. The claim by Imuniti is that this was “the first time viral DNA has even been impacted by a natural combination product.”
Why Aloe Might Work
Aloe and HIV–are they serious? How can a plant help with such a vicious virus? Aloe has not only been found to increase the effectiveness of common drugs, like AZT, but its antiviral properties have been shown to decrease the symptoms of herpes and influenza (the flu), so why not HIV as well? Aloe has been known to help fight off and prevent these other viruses mainly because of its ability to strengthen the immune system, our best defense against such unwanted illnesses. Published in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, an earlier study conducted by Pulse (1990) had AIDS patients drink pure aloe vera juice, and the majority of participants showed decreased symptoms within a week. Why? The research showed that aloe vera has the potential to, by boosting the immune system, halt the advancement of the HIV virus (1). So as surprising as Imuniti Holdings’ findings are, we already kind of knew this! But now we more evidence that aloe needs to be explored as a natural supplement for AIDS patients! Aloe news is good news!
Here’s hoping it’s not just words.
(1) Pulse, T.L. A Significant Improvement in a Clinical Pilot Study Utilizing Nutritional Supplements, Essential Fatty Acids and Stabilized Aloe Vera Juice in 29 HIV Seropositive, ARC and Aids Patients. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. 1990 winter; 3(4)
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