Tablet, pill, capsule–an oral dose of aloe vera is an option! Whatever name you want to label it with, aloe vera in solid form allows you to benefit from even more of aloe gel’s medicinal properties: digestive health, type 2 diabetes, and more. It also gives you another choice on how to use it. Don’t like topical acne medication with aloe vera? Try taking aloe vera pills for controlling acne and its symptoms. But don’t get fooled by the many doors aloe vera pills opens. A big part of reaping all that aloe vera pills have to offer is being responsible when taking them. Knowing all about aloe vera pill side effects before you start swallowing them with water is important. Start reading!
Be on the Lookout: Aloe Vera Pill Side Effects
Although aloe vera can do your body good, this natural medicine can go wrong if not taken correctly. If you are experiencing any of the following aloe vera side effects, check your dosage and the period of time over which you’ve been taking it: aloe vera pills are best when taken in the correct amount as well as for a short period of time. Here’s the symptoms you should keep your eye out for:
- stomach pain
- cramps
- diarrhea
- liver injury
If you are giving aloe vera pills to children under 12 years of age, there is a greater chance they will have a negative experience with the natural medicine. Stop oral intake if children complain of cramps, diarrhea, or abdominal pain.
Careful Now! The Difference Between Internal and External Use of Aloe Vera
Ingesting aloe internally is not the same as externally applying it to your skin, that’s for sure. When you are talking about putting something in your body as opposed to on it, you need to remember that the risks increase. Before you take that aloe vera pill, make sure it is safe for you. Here are those who should stay away:
- pregnant (risk for birth defects and miscarriage) or breastfeeding women
- children (especially under 12 years of age)
- those having surgery
- those with liver issues (the liver should also be watched during oral intake of aloe vera)
I think an explanation is necessary for that last bullet point, don’t you? Because aloe gel can affect your blood sugar levels, you should stop taking aloe vera pills before a scheduled surgery. At least two weeks before you are going in for surgery, stop taking aloe vera pills, because they could make controlling your blood sugar during or after your surgery difficult. Make sure your surgery is smooth-sailing by giving up the aloe vera for a bit!
Aloe Vera Pill Dosages
Another way to ensure that you do not encounter any health problems when taking aloe vera pills (wouldn’t that be counterproductive?) is to take the right amount. Aloe vera is extremely dangerous when taken in high dosages, so you want to make sure you measure it out correctly. Here’s how much you should be taking:
- 200 – 300 mg of aloe vera a day
Stick to those numbers and you could find out just how much your body will thank you for taking aloe vera pills. Who knew such a small thing as a pill could harness such medicinal power!
Harkomal Singh says
how and when we should take aloe vera in a particular day time??
Wanda says
Is it good for people that’s diabetic
Gladmore Panavanhu says
iam an HIV+ patient having flat warts on my face so i started using aloe vera gel and tablets last week,the point is i don’t want the blemishes on my skin,so iam hoping to have a better looking skin,
thank you.
Aims says
I take Aloe vera capsuls 3 to 4 times a day. It helps my IBS constipation and celiac. I’m confused about how long I can take these. I take them everyday; I never knew I should restrict taking them. Any answers?
Laurel Johnson says
I purchase 5000mg Aloe vera can taking one pill three times daily be to much? As the directions suggest
Mike says
As I did, you probably read on this website that 200-300 mg is the recommended daily dose. I bought the capsules ((from Amazon) that are 5000 mg per capsule) and I’ve been taking 2-3 caps twice daily as recommended on the bottle, so I was blown away when I read 200-300 mg per day is sufficient. I’m gonna stop taking them until I do more research.
James says
there are many pharmaceutical companies who spend their huge profits to “character assassinate” certain plants (on line, in studies, literature, etc.) because they cannot patent that natural medicine and feel threatened by it. they also buy up health food stores and then stock them with sub-standard products in order to disillusion the consumer. they are a cancer on society which needs to be destroyed.
Diane says
A friend suggested to me that maybe I should try the aloe vera gel capsules to help with my severe constipation. …What do you think?
Theresa says
drink 8 to 10 glasses of pure water and read” the bodies many cries for water” aloe is great but consitpation is dehydration cure is clean pure water and eat healthy organic foods
Colin says
I started taking Blooms Aloe Vera Tablets over a year ago, only one a day though, not the recommended two, I had severe constipation, now I go 2 – 4 times a day and No straining, which means no cramps, Ripping or blood, i did the drinking of 8 glasses of water, prune juice, movicol, lots of soluble fiber etc etc, as my problem is other medicine which cause constipation.. Aloe Vera tables are the easiest method, and just work… best thing to do is just try it and see your results…
Domino says
Colin have you tried Georges always active Aloe Vera. It works on constipation and has no bitter taste at all. It is like drinking plain water. I took it everyday along with 1000mg of vitamin C for Severe Constipation for about 1 year. Then I had to cut back on it as I was going too much. Now I take it as a maintenance product as needed about once a week. I was biopsied and diagnosed with IBD for 24 years now they can’t find the IBD. Feel like it was a miracle. I take no medicine for colon problems except Georges. This really worked for me and I know it will work for others as well. It is made by Warren Labs read about the company on the web and the Product on the web come is sizes from pints to gallons various pricing. Depends on the ounces you take as to how expensive it gets. I felt it was cheap for a cure as it was all that worked for me.
Cantfakeme says
Too many fake reviewers promoting their websites. Can trust anybod now, just stick to clean water, most food suplements are useless.
Cindy says
I teach school and tend to get sick when school starts each year and stay sick until summer. I have adult asthma and I cough terribly all school year. I took a 25 mg aloe Vera gel pill today, and I seem to have coughed less today. Is this a placebo affect or is aloe Vera effective in reducing asthma attacks? How long and how often can I take it? I’m desperate for any relief from the coughing asthma attacks.
Pearl Meacham-Baker says
I have ben taking Aloe Vera capsules for a long time leaf and latex, 500mg. daily for constipation. should I stop this?
Nikole says
I am glad to see all of the positive results from taking Aloe Vera. I have had acid reflux for a few years now and nothing has seemed to work. Currently, I have had chest pains and nausea for two weeks. I was taking an OTC Omeprazole for 7 days and I believed it increased my blood pressure to almost heart attack level; so I discontinued on yesterday. I plan to purchase some Aloe Vera tablets and will keep you all posted of the update once I begin. This is so encouraging!! I’m glad I ran into this site.
Lynn says
I’e been taking the “Desert Harvest” brand of capsules for about 3 months now for acid reflux. This brand is known for – from the web site : ” All Desert Harvest aloe vera products have the anthraquinones removed (the latex chemicals in the aloe plant that cause diarrhea). Every negative side effect of aloe vera mentioned in the medical literature is related to these anthraquinones. Because we filter them out, our aloe vera products can be taken long term without negative side effects.”
I was having – about 3-4 times a year at least – bad reflux syptoms after going to bed. So bad that at one point I probably should have gone into the ER. That’s when I decided to finally suck it up and buy this product that was recommended to me by another user. IT’S been amazing so far. Sadly I get home from work late at night and need to eat which doesn’t help my situation. I’ve had one decent bougtof reflux since on aloe – I don’t take the rcommended does of 3 2x’s/day…I take 1 3x’s/day. Anyway, popped a capsule after being owke up and with in 20-30 min was asleep. I love this product. I AM NOT an emplyee of this brand, I just KNOW it has worked for me!!!!!
Cantfakeme says
You lie, just marketing!
Martin says
The best cure for acid reflux is apples. An apple a day will take your acid reflux away. I used to have horrible acid reflux. The worst. But I haven’t had it in years. Like Aloe Vera, apples are high in alkalinity. Next time your acid reflux is keeping you up at night. Eat two red apples and watch the chemical reaction that takes place. It has absolutely worked for me.
John says
Apples are ACIDIC. Some are more acidic than others. There are many people who have had relief from acid reflux with apples but that does not mean they aren’t acidic. Do some research or buy some ph strips and check for yourself.
Marb says
Lemons, limes, oranges, Apple cider vinegar are all also acidic but when you consume them they become alkaline in our bodies and do wonders for our health.
Leslie says
Correct. My stomach doc gave me a list of food not to eat because they are carbs that do not digest in the small intestine well. I was surprised to see apples on that list.
S Johnson says
I take elderflower dilute juice with a spot of lime for acid reflux doctor gave me a low dose of tablet up all night elder flower works and pleasant to drink
Evelyn Klampe says
How’s your blood pressure? I may not find this site again so please email me [email protected]
My husband and my daughter in law both battle HBP so I’d love to know if this helps!
Thank you so much,
ek 🙂
Ginnetta says
I have started taking the Aloe Vera pills 1x a day now for a week and when i tell you, I now have a bowel movement 1St thing in the morning. They are some great pills!
Kristi says
What brand do you take and what time of the day do you take them? I only have a bowel movement about every 3 to 4 days and I am trying to eat more fiber and I drink between 60 and 70 oz of water a day but I want to start aloe capsules also. I did buy the juice but I do not like the taste even mixed with water and fruit.
joan says
i take aloe vera 1 tablet at night and they work had constipation due to other meds started these tablets and what a relief tried prunes apart from not likeing them they didnt work It feels like the motionis lubricated it has been great for me
Ashley says
I’ve been using Charron Aloe Capsules for a few weeks now to help have a daily b.m. I can definitely say they work. I was eating very natural and plenty of water and still no b.m. Until I started these tablets. Directions say take 1-2 before bed. I take one and by 10am the next morning I’m good to go
Evelyn Klampe says
Wondering if the Aloe Vera capsules are good for high blood pressure?
Kelly says
Yes, aloe vera is also good for high blood pressure. ever tried garlic capsules? thats’ what I find to be the best to lower blood pressure.
Swati says
I have fixed drug eruption scar on my face. Can i take aloevera capsules daily? Is it safe?
Kelly says
Aloe vera is truly excellent, I have diabetes 2 and it helps control my blood sugar, also I have had an ulcer and the aloe vera capsules have helped me greatly and all in a natural way.
Sami says
Hi, was wondering if somebody can give me a answer I take aloe crystal every day a match stick size and I am on a oral contraceptive, can the aloe affect my birth control pill? They are taken at very different times to one another.
Natasha Herbst says
Thank you for sharing I’m going through the similar situation myself which I’m sure it they are different and I just started taking the pills myself doctor said 3 to 4 pills a day but I’m also looking at the milligrams 600 mg each pill so I’ve decided to take two a day which is 1200 ml in mg to see how my body adjusts to it
Vinny says
What does aloe vera do to the liver? Why do we need to watch out for liver issues? The article did not address that. Thanks!
Elizabeth says
I wwould like to know what’s the problem with the liver if I take Aloe Vera. Thanks
Amber says
Hello my friend has erratic heart beats, High blood pressure would be benefit by taking Aloe Vera pills? If so can I make it from home with my own Aloe plant? If so how would I do that? Also how do I measure the amount he takes?
Leslie says
Why do the capsules say not to take Aloe two weeks before surgery. Are they a blood thinner?
Victor Davis says
I’ve been taking 40,000 mg of aloe Vera (per instructions on the bottle) for a year .its helped me get off of omeprazole. That seems like a lot to me. Any feedback,is it to much?
samwebster says
i, also, can’t understand the comment about ‘watching the liver’. everything about the inn er leaf gel is supposed to be excellent for health_— so, could it be the preservatives added or what.
Michael R Buie says
which has more potency–the Liquid Aloe Vera gel or the 50000 tablets?
Jay says
Anyone got more Information and or tips on aloe vera and acid reflux/barrets esophagus? Currently taking 25 mg capsules of aloe vera ,once a day…at night..have no idea if im doing it right? Any advice ? I do feel relief though from waking up every morning with bad constipation pain in my lower stomach and I poop more at ease in the morning but just this morning I felt abdominal pain again and I hadn’t felt It really at all after ih started taking the aloe vera pills exactly one week ago..thanks for any tips!