A friend of mine read my post about Feline infectious peritonitis and, being a cat lover, wanted to know more. I’ve been investigating the topic, and was suprised to find an Aloe connection. [Read more…]
Exciting Aloe News in the Medical Field
Hello Aloe lovers! I found some intriguing news today online about…wait for it…aloe! A healthcare company called Imuniti Holdings, located in South Africa, issued a very interesting statement to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange news service. It seems that they held some sort of clinical trial, done by Prof Luc Montangier, on the effects on their Imuniti Pack on HIV positive patients. The results were good. [Read more…]
Aloe and Skin Care for Men
For anyone who is confused for some reason about whether it’s okay for men to go out of their way looking for skin products to invigorate, exfoliate, and moisturize…it’s OKAY! Healthy skin is not a luxury–skin performs many important functions. It may feel like pampering, but skin care is important, and men should jump right on that train! So the real question is: can men use the same type of skin care products as women? Many of you already know that aloe is a popular ingredient in many women’s shave gels and lotions. But what is the the relationship between aloe and skin care for men? Take comfort in knowing that the medicinal plant does not discriminate: men and women alike can use this plant to achieve soft, clean skin! [Read more…]
Virtual FarmVille Aloe? Check it out Facebookers!
I still have not caught the FarmVille craze as many out there have. I get the requests from friends wanting me to join or sending me some seed they think I should plant…after I join their FarmVille team so I can help them raise their barn. [Read more…]
Springing into an Aloe Vera Smoothie Craze
There are lots of different ways to get back into shape for the warmer seasons. On top of any diet you may choose, exercise is an important addition. I have a friend who has cut wheat out of her diet completely and is already seeing results. Instead of breads or pastas she uses rice or rice pasta. She also has a 3 mile jog she goes on. On top of all that, she has made fruit and veggie smoothie concoctions a part of her daily regime. (My personal favorite is pineapple!) This morning I found a site with lots of different smoothie recipes and ideas for healthy juices to help with a timely seasonal slim-down. It talks about the importance of fresh foods that are high in nutrients. Aloe is mentioned right next to spirulina.